Virginia Department Of Environmental Quality
State Government: Agencies/Departments/Divisions | State Agencies
Recent News About Virginia Department Of Environmental Quality
Refresher for ESC Inspectors (Weyers Cave) on June 15
Refresher for ESC Inspectors (Weyers Cave) on June 15
Eastern Virginia Groundwater Management Advisory Committee on June 7
Eastern Virginia Groundwater Management Advisory Committee on June 7
State Water Control Board Holds Regular Meeting
At its regular meeting in Richmond on March 25, the State Water Control Board (SWCB) heard presentations from Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) staff, and approved reissuance of the general Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) permit regulations for vehicle wash facilities and laundry facilities (9VAC25-194).
Plants in SWM and ESC (Fairfax) on March 1
Plants in SWM and ESC (Fairfax) on March 1
Norfolk Naval Shipyard Draft Hazardous Waste Renewal Permit Meeting - Informational Briefing on January 18
Norfolk Naval Shipyard Draft Hazardous Waste Renewal Permit Meeting - Informational Briefing on January 18 at